A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to the inventor for respective territory in exchange of disclosure of his/her invention to the public for a limited period of time upto 20 years. The patent protection grants a right of excluding others from making, using, selling, importing the patented product or process of producing the product for those purposed without his/her consent.
iVakil IP offering strong trademark practice in India and abroad and helping its clients in registering and enforcing their brands locally and globally.
iVakil IP has dedicated trademark attorneys team providing counselling and guidance to clients to minimize the treat of infringement and protect against unfair competition.
Why to do Trademark protection?
1. Trademarks make it easy for consumers to find you.
- Trademarks help you distinguish your products and services from those of competitors and help identify you as the source.
- Trademarks indicate a consistent level of quality of your products and services.
- Awareness of your brand and the goodwill embodied in your trademark can often take decades to establish.
- Aggregate cost of advertising, promotion, marketing, and sales efforts can easily reach into tens of millions or even billions of dollars, depending on the product/service.
- Differentiating your product/service from competitors is increasingly difficult to achieve, especially over a protracted period.
- Trademarks are the most efficient commercial communication tool ever devised to: capture the consumer’s attention and make your products/services stand out.
- 2. Trademarks help prevent marketplace confusion
- Trademarks protect the consuming public by preventing confusion as to the source of goods or services.
- Trademarks give consumers the ability to protect themselves by relying upon known brands of products or services.
- Trademarks provide consumer convenience by allowing consumers to identify (by word, logo, slogan, package design, or other indicators of origin) which product or service they would like to purchase or to avoid purchasing.
- 3. Trademarks are your most enduring assets.
- Trademarks are one of the few assets that can provide you with a long-term competitive advantage.
- Trademarks are leverageable – they provide value beyond your core business, and can pave the way for expansion of your business.
- Trademark rights will remain until eternity as long as the rights holders file an occasional renewal form.
- Release Date
- August 15, 2021